They say the idle mind is the devil’s workshop, but if that means having England footballers being fit into club cricket stereotypes, let’s have more of it please.

We’ve seen what each of the Premier League managers and the England Test XI would be like when viewed through club cricket prisms – now, it’s the turn of England footballers.

That is thanks to Will, aka @willcrcknell on Twitter, who has jotted down, quite accurately we think, what each of the current squad of England footballers would be like if they were club cricketers.

We have our favourites. Sample Jordan Pickford, who is that guy who, “gets a questionable lbw and throws bat through changing room window. Retires forever but will be back in a fortnight.” Or Harry Maguire, who “scores 65 including some lofty blows off seamers but [gets] stumped as soon as spinner comes on.”

Our favourite is Harry Kane though. Scroll down for that, and the rest of the list featuring England footballers as club cricket stereotypes.