England Women in Ireland 2024
2 runs, the pull shot comes into play. Two runs taken.
No run, the batter looks to play that but is comprehensively beaten.
No run, the on drive comes out now. But doesn’t result in anything.
No run, beaten! Lovely bowling as the batter is defeated all ends up.
No run, a gentle push by the batter but cannot pierce the gap.
No run, that is defended solidly off the front foot.
No run, the off drive is played but it is stopped.
No run, the batter has just watchfully blocked this out.
OUT! The batter has missed a straight ball and is struck on the pads, right in front. No problems for the umpire to adjudge him LBW.
Georgia Davis to Freya Sargent
OUT! The batter has missed the ball and is hit on the pads. The bowler appeals for LBW and it is given.