OUT! Dragged on! The batter has played that onto the stumps.
OUT! BOWLED! That has gone through the batsman’s defense.
OUT! The fielder disturbs the bails and appeals for a run out. No need to go upstairs. Given out on the field.
2 runs, that is pulled away through mid wicket for a couple of runs.
1 run, that is lofted away for a single.
No run, that is a cracking pull off the back foot, but for no run.
1 run, that is punched off the back foot for a single.
No run. Swing and a miss! The batter swings hard at that one but does not connect.
No run, just a mere push. But no space for a run.
Mady Villiers to Alana Dalzell
Four! The batter lofts this over the infield and bags himself a boundary.