Current England head coach Trevor Bayliss appears set to take charge of the Birmingham team in The Hundred next year, according to a report from the Evening Standard.

Bayliss is reportedly set to have a role in England’s new domestic competition, which will see sides face 100 balls per innings, with bowlers able to deliver either five or 10 consecutive balls. The competition will include eight city-based franchise sides.

England are in store for a busy summer this year with the 50-over World Cup beginning in May, followed by the Ashes in August. Bayliss is set to step down from his role with England in September when his contract finishes, concluding a four-year reign.

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Bayliss’ upcoming departure will follow on from recent changes to England’s coaching set-up. Paul Farbrace has left his role as Bayliss’ assistant to join Warwickshire as their director of sport ahead of the upcoming county season, while Mark Ramprakash has been relieved of his duties as one of England’s lead batting coaches.