The ECB have announced the fixtures for the 2023 County Championship which will begin on April 6 – here’s the full match list and schedule of the tournament, along with dates and venues for each division.

All 18 first-class counties in England will compete across two divisions, playing 14 home and away fixtures with two teams relegated and two teams promoted. Surrey are the reigning Division One champions and will begin their title defence against Lancashire at Old Trafford. The first seven rounds of fixtures will take place on Thursday-Sunday every week, while the competition will come to a conclusion in September after a month long break in August.

County Championship 2023 Teams:

Division One: Hampshire, Nottinghamshire, Lancashire, Surrey, Somerset, Warwickshire, Middlesex, Essex, Kent, Northamptonshire.

Division Two: Sussex, Durham, Glamorgan, Gloucestershire, Derbyshire, Worcestershire, Yorkshire, Leicestershire.

County Championship 2022: Full match list and schedule

Thursday April 6

Division One

Hampshire v Nottinghamshire; The Ageas Bowl, Southampton

Lancashire v Surrey; Old Trafford, Manchester

Middlesex v Essex; Lord’s Cricket Ground, London

Somerset v Warwickshire; The Cooper Associates County Ground, Taunton

Kent v Northamptonshire; The Spitfire Ground, Canterbury

Division Two

Glamorgan v Gloucestershire; Sophia Gardens, Cardiff

Sussex v Durham; The 1st Central County Ground, Hove

Derbyshire v Worcestershire; The Incora County Ground, Derby

Yorkshire v Leicestershire; Headingley Stadium, Leeds

Thursday April 13

Division One

Warwickshire v Kent; Edgbaston, Birmingham

Surrey v Hampshire; The Oval, London

Essex v Lancashire; The County Ground, Chelmsford

Northamptonshire v Middlesex; The County Ground, Northampton

Nottinghamshire v Somerset; Trent Bridge, Nottingham

Division Two

Durham v Worcestershire; Seat Unique Riverside, Chester-le-Street

Gloucestershire v Yorkshire; The County Ground, Bristol

Leicestershire v Derbyshire; Grace Road, Leicester

Thursday April 20

Division One

Middlesex v Nottinghamshire; Lord’s Cricket Ground, London

Somerset v Lancashire; The Cooper Associates County Ground, Taunton

Northamptonshire v Hampshire; The County Ground, Northampton

Kent v Essex; The Spitfire Ground, Canterbury

Division Two

Worcestershire v Gloucestershire; New Road, Worcester

Glamorgan v Durham; Sophia Gardens, Cardiff

Sussex v Yorkshire; The 1st Central County Ground, Hove

Thursday April 27

Division One

Warwickshire v Surrey; Edgbaston, Birmingham

Middlesex v Kent; Lord’s Cricket Ground, London

Division Two

Durham v Derbyshire; Seat Unique Riverside, Chester-le-Street

Gloucestershire v Sussex; The County Ground, Bristol

Leicestershire v Glamorgan; Grace Road, Leicester

Thursday May 4

Division One

Hampshire v Warwickshire; The Ageas Bowl, Southampton

Essex v Surrey; The County Ground, Chelmsford

Somerset v Northamptonshire; The Cooper Associates County Ground, Taunton

Nottinghamshire v Lancashire; Trent Bridge, Nottingham

Division Two

Yorkshire v Glamorgan; Headingley Stadium, Leeds

Worcestershire v Sussex; New Road, Worcester

Derbyshire v Leicestershire; The County Ground, Derby

Thursday May 4

Division One

Surrey v Middlesex; The Oval, London

Northamptonshire v Nottinghamshire; The County Ground, Northampton

Kent v Hampshire; The Spitfire Ground, Canterbury

Warwickshire v Essex; Edgbaston, Birmingham

Lancashire v Somerset; Old Trafford, Manchester

Division Two

Durham v Yorkshire; Seat Unique Riverside, Chester-le-Street

Glamorgan v Worcestershire; Sophia Gardens, Cardiff

Derbyshire v Gloucestershire; The County Ground, Derby

Leicestershire v Sussex; Grace Road, Leicestershire

Thursday May 18

Division One

Hampshire v Northamptonshire; The Ageas Bowl, Southampton

Surrey v Kent; The Oval, London

Middlesex v Somerset; Lord’s Cricket Ground, London

Nottinghamshire v Essex; Trent Bridge, Nottingham

Division Two

Worcestershire v Leicestershire; New Road, Worcester

Sussex v Glamorgan; The County Ground; Hove

Gloucestershire v Durham; The County Ground, Bristol

Sunday June 11

Division One

Lancashire v Hampshire; Trafalgar Road Ground, Southport

Essex v Somerset; The County Ground, Chelmsford

Kent v Surrey; The Spitfire County Ground, Canterbury

Nottinghamshire v Warwickshire; Trent Bridge, Nottingham

Division Two

Gloucestershire v Leicestershire; The County Ground, Bristol

Derbyshire v Yorkshire; Queen’s Park, Chesterfield

Durham v Glamorgan; Seat Unique Riverside, Chester-le-Street

Sussex v Worcestershire; The County Ground, Hove

Sunday June 25

Division One

Essex v Warwickshire; The County Ground, Chelmsford

Somerset v Nottinghamshire; The Cooper Associates County Ground, Taunton

Northamptonshire v Kent; The County Ground, Northampton

Hampshire v Middlesex; The Ageas Bowl, Southampton

Surrey v Lancashire; The Oval, London

Division Two

Yorkshire v Gloucestershire; Headingley Stadium, Leeds

Worcestershire v Derbyshire; New Road, Worcester

Glamorgan v Sussex; Sophia Gardens, Cardiff

Leicestershire v Durham; Grace Road, Leicester

Monday June 10

Division One

Surrey v Nottinghamshire; The Oval, London

Middlesex v Northamptonshire; Merchant Taylor’s School, Northwood

Lancashire v Essex; Stanley Park, Blackpool

Somerset v Hampshire; The Cooper Associates County Ground, Taunton

Kent v Warwickshire; The Spitfire Ground, Kent

Division Two

Worcestershire v Yorkshire; New Road, Worcester

Durham v Gloucestershire; Seat Unique Riverside, Chester-le-Street

Glamorgan v Leicestershire; TBC

Sussex v Derbyshire; The County Ground, Hove

Wednesday July 19

Division One

Nottinghamshire v Hampshire; Trent Bridge, Nottingham

Warwickshire v Lancashire; Edgbaston, Birmingham

Middlesex v Surrey; Lord’s Cricket Ground, London

Essex v Kent; The County Ground, Chelmsford

Northamptonshire v Somerset; The County Ground, Northampton

Division Two

Yorkshire v Sussex; Headingley Stadium, Leeds

Leicestershire v Worcestershire; Oakham School, Oakham

Derbyshire v Durham; TBC

Thursday July 20

Division Two

Gloucestershire v Glamorgan; College Ground, Cheltenham

Tuesday July 25

Division One

Hampshire v Essex; The Ageas Bowl, Southampton

Warwickshire v Middlesex; Edgbaston, Birmingham

Lancashire v Northamptonshire; Old Trafford, Manchester

Somerset v Surrey; The Cooper Associates Ground, Taunton

Nottinghamshire v Kent; Trent Bridge, Nottingham

Division Two

Yorkshire v Durham; North Marine Road Ground, Scarborough

Derbyshire v Glamorgan; The County Ground, Derby

Wednesday July 26

Division Two

Gloucestershire v Worcestershire; College Ground, Cheltenham

Sunday September 3

Division One

Hampshire v Somerset; The Ageas Bowl, Southampton

Surrey v Warwickshire; The Oval, London

Northamptonshire v Lancashire; The County Ground, Northampton

Division Two

Worcestershire v Glamorgan; New Road, Worcester

Yorkshire v Derbyshire; North Marine Road Grounds, Scarborough

Durham v Sussex; Seat Unique Riverside, Chester-le-Street

Leicestershire v Gloucestershire; Grace Road, Leicester

Monday September 4

Essex v Middlesex; The County Ground, Chelmsford

Sunday September 10

Division Two

Glamorgan v Yorkshire; Sophia Gardens, Cardiff

Sussex v Leicestershire; The County Ground, Hove

Tuesday September 19

Division One

Lancashire v Nottinghamshire; Old Trafford, Manchester

Surrey v Northamptonshire; The Oval, London

Middlesex v Warwickshire; Lord’s Cricket Ground, London

Essex v Hampshire; The County Ground, Chelmsford

Somerset v Kent; The County Ground, Taunton

Division Two

Derbyshire v Sussex; The County Ground, Derby

Leicestershire v Yorkshire; Grace Road, Leicester

Worcestershire v Durham; New Road, Worcester

Tuesday September 26

Division One

Hampshire v Surrey; The Ageas Bowl, Southampton

Warwickshire v Somerset; Edgbaston, Birmingham

Northamptonshire v Essex; The County Ground, Northampton

Kent v Lancashire; The Spitfire Ground, Canterbury

Division Two

Yorkshire v Worcestershire; Headingley Stadium, Leeds

Durham v Leicestershire; Seat Unique Riverside, Chester-le-Street

Glamorgan v Derbyshire; Sophia Gardens, Cardiff

Sussex v Gloucestershire; The County Ground, Hove