Yash Dayal, the Gujarat Titans fast bowler, was in the news early on Monday after sharing a communal post targeting the Muslim community in an Instagram story. It was deleted soon afterwards, and Daya clarified that his account had been hacked.
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Dayal, who was at the receiving end of Rinku Singh’s five successive sixes during the recent IPL, landed in troubled waters after he shared a controversial story on his Instagram account. The highly sensitive story revolved around ‘Love Jihad’ and the recent Shahbad Dairy murder case, in which a 16-year-old girl was stabbed to death by one Sahil Khan.
Dayal deleted the story after being criticised. He explained that he had “respect for each and every community.”
“Guys, apologies for the story. It was just posted by mistake, please don’t spread hate. Thank you. I have respect for each and every community and society.”
Dayal later issued a fresh statement, claiming that his Instagram account had been hacked and that he had posted neither the story nor the apology.
“Dear all, There were two stories posted on my Insta handle today – both of which weren’t done by me. I have reported the matter to authorities as I believe my account is being accessed by someone else and used for posting. I am trying to regain full control of my Instagram account.
“I respect all communities and the picture shared today does not reveal my true beliefs.”
Dayal played five games for GT in IPL 2023 and picked up two wickets. He plays for Uttar Pradesh in domestic cricket.