Wisden.com will publish highlights and stories from the inaugural Street Child Cricket World Cup, supporting the event’s campaign for the rights and protection of street-connected young people.

The Street Child Cricket World Cup 2019 (SCCWC 2019), organised by Street Child United, will use cricket as a vehicle to challenge negative perceptions and treatment of street-connected youth. The finals of the SCCWC 2019 will take place on the outfield at Lord’s Cricket Ground.

Wisden will publish highlights packages of the three days of cricket played at SCCWC 2019 on May 4, 5 and 7,  and share stories about the young people taking part through wisden.com and social media channels.

On the pitch at SCCWC 2019, 10 teams (each made up of four girls and four boys) will play to tackle the widespread stigma street-connected children face – demanding that countries, governments and communities better protect, respect and support the millions of young people living and working on the streets worldwide.

[caption id=”attachment_103753″ align=”alignnone” width=”800″] “What an opportunity to use our sport to make life better for those who need it most”[/caption]

Off the pitch, a festival of arts and Congress will give the young people the chance to share their experiences, explore their rights and discuss their hopes for the future. Through this process the young people will create a unified message to share with the world, which they will present at the SCCWC 2019 General Assembly on May 7.

Ian Sykes, managing director of Cricket Properties Ltd, in association with Wisden, said: “We love the work that Street Child United have been doing in recent years, and it’s a real honour to be working with them for the Street Child Cricket World Cup. We are about to embark on what is very possibly the biggest summer cricket has ever seen – what an opportunity to use our sport to make life better for those who need it most.”

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Rich Evans, director of digital content, wisden.com, said: “Wisden are delighted to be an official media partner of the inaugural Street Child Cricket World Cup. We look forward to helping Street Child United provide an exciting platform for street-connected children worldwide, helping to raise awareness and tackle the widespread stigma street children face. It’s fantastic to see cricket being harnessed as a vehicle to inspire communities and tackle wider socio-cultural issues. It offers a reminder that cricket is so much more than a game.”

John Wroe, CEO and co-founder of Street Child United, said: “The aim of the Street Child Cricket World Cup 2019 is to create a global platform for street-connected young people.

Having the support of Wisden – the most prestigious cricket media outlet in the world – will help the messages and stories the young people tell reach a huge audience. By engaging people across the world through the media we enable the children and charities taking part to campaign to governments, high-level organisations and their communities to change the way street-connected young people are seen and treated.”