Listen to Episode 3 of the Wisden Cricket Podcast.

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Vithushan Ehantharajah hosts the third Wisden Cricket Podcast, with regular guests Phil Walker and Jo Harman joined this month by Wisden editor, Lawrence Booth.

On the release of the 155th Wisden Almanack and the latest edition of Wisden Cricket Monthly magazine, the team discuss the reasoning behind Wisden’s Five Cricketers of the Year and consider some of the essays in the book – including a standout piece from Tanya Aldred on sexism in cricket, and Lawrence himself on the alarming prevalence of gambling culture in cricket.

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Plus, in light of the ball-tampering farrago, the team discuss Australian cricket culture, and the spurious origins of the ‘Spirit of Cricket’: “A hangover from the old days when amateur ‘Gentlemen’ tried to control the game. When they walked, it was really them telling working-class umpires that they weren’t going to take orders from them, and nothing to do with behaving like ‘superior’ human beings.”

Elsewhere, after “the 27-9 moment”, we delve into the state of the English game (“When it comes to producing teams to win in England, county cricket is great. When it comes to producing teams to win away it’s always been hopeless”), who should take over as England coach, and what’s to be done with James Vince.

Oh, and Lawrence does his best Ray Winstone impression.

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