With the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic having wiped out the start of the English cricket season, and no return professionally or recreationally in sight, it’s all too easy to get caught up in how much we miss our favourite pastime.

Sometimes the yearning can become too much altogether, and at times like these, it’s worth reminding ourselves that cricket isn’t always all it’s cracked up to be.

To that end, we asked our followers what they missed least about cricket. Here are the best of the responses:

For many, what they miss least is those things frustrating them as fans, whether that’s the constant tweaking of the county schedule by the ECB…


…the omnipresence of a certain Indian domestic tournament…

…or, as English fans will no doubt be familiar with, the sight of a certain someone batting for hours on end.

But for even more its aspects of playing the game they could do without, with plenty sharing a love-hate relationship with the activity that usually takes up most of their Summer weekends. For some it’s the rain, and having to safeguard against its effects…

…for others it’s the ‘banter’ from teammates that is tough to handle…

…while the experience of leaving the field during an away game to a ‘spread’ of stale sandwiches and weak squash is one no one would envy.

Getting out is never fun…

…and nor is having to pack your bags after doing so…

…or then having to go and watch your teammates bat, somehow incurring wrath for every umpiring decision you make, no matter who it favours.


Some of the complaints were oddly specific, and surely eminently avoidable.

But while the responses are too numerous to include all of, the most common reply of all was that, despite all of the above, you didn’t not miss anything about cricket at all.

Brought to you in association with NatWest, Wisden’s Club Cricket Partner, supporting cricket at all levels for almost 40 years and a proud partner of the ECB and Chance to Shine. NatWest CricketForce helps local cricket clubs to make more from their money through free online advice and toolkits

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