Mudassir Gujjar, a 21-year-old bowler in Pakistan, has expressed a unique objective: he wants to be the “tallest bowler in the world”.

Gujjar is 7 feet, six inches (some reports claim that’s 7ft 4ins), and was part of Pakistan Super League side Lahore Qalandards’ player development programme last year.

“My height is a blessing as I can run faster and be the fastest bowler,” he was quoted as saying by Mail Online. “I started training seven months ago to become a bowler but because of the Covid-19 pandemic, there is a pause. I hope one day I will be the tallest bowler in the world.”

Gujjar’s unusual height – he was over 6 feet before he left primary school – is down to a hormonal condition. His height growing up caused his parents quite some consternation.

“I was the tallest child in the school and in the neighbourhood,” he said. “I was already six foot tall when I was ten and by the time I was in high school, I was above seven feet tall. My parents were worried as I kept growing. They were not able to understand why I was growing taller than my siblings and if it will later cause any troubles for me.”

With great height comes great problems – Gujjar has needed custom-made shoes and clothes, as ready-made products aren’t available in his size. There’s never enough leg-room – travelling as a child to school in the rickshaw was a problem – and everyday things like driving a car is “out of the question” for him.

However, it has made him something of a celebrity. “People now meet me with a smile, they are in awe of me. It makes me feel good. I feel special,” he said.

“I may have trouble doing things like a normal person but my height is God’s gift and I am thankful to him. I am popular and I enjoy the attention.”

If Gujjar does make it to the international Pakistan side, the position of potential team-mate Mohammad Irfan as the tallest player in the world, at 7ft 1ins, will be at risk.

Photo credit – Pak Passion