India fast bowler Sreesanth, who was involved in the infamous ‘Slapgate’ incident during IPL 2008, has said that he “begged and cried” to the investigating commissioner to not ban Harbhajan Singh, after the post-match skirmish snowballed into a major controversy.
Sreesanth, who is currently serving a seven-year ban for his alleged involvement in spot-fixing, spoke about the incident twelve years ago, when he tried to get under Harbhajan’s skin during the Kings XI Punjab-Mumbai Indians match, only for his comments to take an ugly turn.
“It was a one-off incident,” Sreesanth told Cricket Addictor in a Facebook live session. “I have told in Bigg Boss [television show] also, it was the first time I opened up and spoke. Obviously, I irritate in that sense when I bat or bowl, you can see. For me, it’s war, it’s still is – if you’re playing against Australia or any other team for that matter, you give your very best, doesn’t matter who you’re playing against.”
“And even in front of [Sudhir] Nanavati sir [the retired judge who headed the inquiry], they have the video clipping also, where I’m literally crying and begging and telling him not to ban or do anything with Bhajji, we are going to play together, I don’t want anything to be taken away from Bhajji, because he is a match-winner.”
“But I’m absolutely fine with Bhajji [now]….he’s changed a lot. In public also, he has said ‘Sree tu kahi bhi ho yaar, maaf karde’ [Sreesanth, wherever you are, forgive me]. He was always my elder brother, maybe at that point of time it was different but he will always be a legend.”