The effects of the Cape Town ball-tampering incident were felt as far away in India, with Sunrisers Hyderabad losing their captain, David Warner, for IPL 2018 after the BCCI banned him and Steve Smith, the Rajasthan Royals captain, from participation in the 11th edition of the tournament.
Tom Moody, the Hyderabad coach, was at pains to stress on the need to move on from the incident, insisting his team had enough depth to shade the loss of an impact player like Warner.
“There’s nothing we can do with what’s happened with David Warner,” he said on Friday. “We’ve moved on from that, so it’s probably a good opportunity for everyone else to move on.
“We have a number of people in the team who can play different roles. We are replacing a good captain like David Warner with another international captain,” he said. “From our point of view, we are not asking anyone to step out of their comfort (zone).
“We are delighted to have Kane as skipper. We have all seen what he is capable of. Strategically he is very sound. In the last few years he has played an important role for the Sunrisers.
“He clearly showed that he is not only a natural leader, but he is someone who is prepared to step up and stand out when it counts. It was very much part of our plan to have Kane in our side not only as player but also as a leader.”
Hyderabad’s tournament will begin at home against Rajasthan Royals on April 9.