The Chennai Super Kings homecoming was short lived as IPL authorities were forced to shift the remainder of their home games to the city of Pune, away to India’s west, in the wake of the protests staged in and around MA Chidambaram Stadium during the game against Kolkata Knight Riders on Tuesday, April 10.
The protests, over a long-standing water-sharing issue between Tamil Nadu – of which Chennai is the capital city – and their neighbours Karnataka – home to Royal Challengers Bangalore – meant the lead-up to the Kolkata game was not peaceful, with local political parties calling for a boycott of IPL matches in Chennai till the dispute is resolved. The protestors took over key roads to the stadium in the lead-up to the match, prompting the police to get involved.
There was also a bizarre threat from one of the protesting groups to release snakes at the venue, albeit non-poisonous, during the next scheduled match against Rajasthan Royals on April 20.
Pune match schedule
April 20, 2018: Chennai Super Kings vs Rajasthan Royals
April 28, 2018: Chennai Super Kings vs Mumbai Indians
April 30, 2018: Chennai Super Kings vs Delhi Daredevils
May 5, 2018: Chennai Super Kings vs Royal Challengers Bangalore
May 13, 2018: Chennai Super Kings vs Sunrisers Hyderabad
May 20, 2018: Chennai Super Kings vs Kings XI Punjab