Beloved former Test Match Special commentator Henry Blofeld has self-isolated after coming down with a “resounding dry cough”, one of the symptoms of Covid-19.
On Sunday March 15, the 80-year-old stated his intention to “bunker down for three or four months” after returning from a short live tour around the UK, but took to Twitter again the following day to confirm he was feeling unwell. He said his symptoms caused “alarm signals”, and though his doctor suspected it was just flu or a cold, he was “battening down the hatches”.
After gigs in Glasgow, Edinburgh & Bingley, we’ve returned to Norfolk maybe to bunker down for 3 or 4 months. Not wanting to be done over by thirst, I’ve stocked up with booze, but it’s scary to realise at my age, I’m right in the firing line!!! We must take it head on & win.
— Henry Blofeld (@blowersh) March 15, 2020
Oops!!! Went to bed with a resounding dry cough & runny nose. Alarm signals flashed,& again this morning. My splendid doctor is putting his money on flu or a cold. Anyway, we are battening down the hatches!Am buying a machine from Amazon which should reveal all! Tense times!
— Henry Blofeld (@blowersh) March 16, 2020
Affectionately referred to as ‘Blowers’, the Old Etonian is viewed as an institution of British broadcasting, having brought his distinctive wry observational style to TMS listeners for nearly half a century. He is also a former first-class cricketer for Cambridge University.