Ramesh Powar has received a vote of confidence from Harmanpreet Kaur and Smriti Mandhana, with both writing to the BCCI expressing their admiration for and support of him as coach.

Powar, the former off-spinner, was appointed coach of India Women on an interim capacity, the deal running till the end of November.

The BCCI chose not to extend his contract despite India making it to the semi-final of the Women’s World T20 2018 after winning all their four group games, including against top teams like New Zealand and Australia.

“The decision was entirely based on the cricketing logics and observations from the past. Keeping in mind the need of the hour, me, Smriti, selector Sudha Shah and the coach together in the presence of our manager felt that we should go ahead with the winning combination,” said Kaur’s letter.

“Cutting the conversation short, I, as the T20 captain and ODI vice-captain is appealing before you to allow Powar to further continue as our team coach. There are hardly 15 months for the next T20 World Cup and a month to go for the New Zealand tour. The way he has transformed us as a team, I feel no reason to replace him.”

Mandhana echoed Kaur’s thoughts, writing, “It is important for Indian cricket’s growth that everybody is on the same page and I believe that any difference can be amicably resolved via discussion.”