Featuring all the players from your club, pick your team and earn points when they perform in real life. Helps local cricket clubs raise money and boost the banter. Read on to find out how.
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Nets a bit ropey? Bowling machine a little rusty? Fantasy Club Cricket is the perfect solution for clubs looking to raise some much needed cash and boost the banter at the same time. Our super easy-to-use platform lets you set up your very own fantasy cricket league – featuring all the players from your club – in just minutes. Your team scores points based on how your players get on in real life.
Over the last four years, Fantasy Club Cricket has helped hundreds of clubs with their fundraising efforts and this year we’ve introduced a host of brand new features that are sure to make this season the most exciting (and profitable!) ever.
So how does it work?
It couldn’t be simpler! Use your player budget to pick a team of players from your club and they’ll score you points based on how well they perform in real life. Compete with other players from your club and see who comes out on top come the end of the season. There are a bunch of optional upgrades that give you additional features.
You can manage, update, edit and customise the whole site to make it your own. Add/edit player names and values, edit the points structure, manage the teams, upload your club’s logo, set links to your club’s social media accounts, change colour schemes and manually update points if required. Or you can leave it just the way it is – total control.
What are the upgrades?
11 Players Per Team – highly recommended for larger clubs (fielding more than two teams each week, for example) and does bring a new dimension to your league, requiring a little more strategic thinking and flexibility with transfers and captain choices.
Automatic Points Update – Our personal favourite. We link your fantasy league to Play-Cricket.com so that player points are updated automatically. No manual entry required at all. In the early days of Fantasy Club Cricket, having to manually update the points was often the biggest bugbear and this upgrade certainly solves that.
How will it help my club raise money?
It’s totally optional but we recommend you charge players a small fee to enter a team. 25 players paying £10 each means a £250 boost to your club’s coffers. We can even securely look after the money for you; players can pay their entry fee via the website and we can prevent players from entering a team until they’ve paid up, meaning no more chasing people for cash!
How much does it cost?
The basic package is £14.99 per season, but we offer two upgrades. The 11 Players Per Team upgrade (letting teams choose 11 rather than 6 players) costs an additional £5.99 per season. The Automatic Points Update upgrade costs an additional £8.99 per season. If you purchase both upgrades you’ll pay just £24.99 for the full package, saving over 15 per cent.
Is it a pain to manage?
Not at all. No special skills are required and if you take the Automatic Points Update points are all updated automatically. Totally hassle-free.
We’re confident you’ll love using the Fantasy Club Cricket platform but don’t just take our word for it. Check out what clubs have been saying about us: