Thabang Moroe has been suspended from his position as chief executive of Cricket South Africa (CSA) following allegations of misconduct.

CSA is set to conduct an independent review into the allegations. The decision follows on from reports received by the board’s social and ethics committee and audit and risk committee “related to possible failure of controls in the organisation”.

The board of directors have mandated the CSA chairman “to look at various options including holding discussions with Mr Dave Richardson, the former chief executive officer of the International Cricket Council (ICC), regarding the appointment of an acting chief executive officer for the duration of Mr. Thabang Moroe’s precautionary suspension”.

Meanwhile, CSA’s title sponsor, Standard Bank, has announced that it will not renew its financial support for CSA after its current contract with the board ends in April 2020. “In light of recent developments at CSA, which are a culmination of long-standing problems which have damaged Standard Bank’s reputation, it has decided not to renew its partnership with CSA,” said Standard Bank Group chief marketing and communications officer Thulani Sibeko.

Trouble has been mounting for CSA in recent weeks with pressure on the body to act on matters of its general mismanagement. The news of Moroe’s suspension comes on the same day as calls from the South African Cricketers’ Association (SACA) for the resignation of the entire CSA board and appointment of an interim committee, a review of the board’s financial position, a reversal of the decision to restructure domestic cricket and a “clear and transparent structure to be put in place around the Proteas men’s team”.

The SACA chief executive Tony Irish said: “Extremely poor leadership, both at operational level and at board level, is what has got cricket into this disastrous position. It is abundantly clear that there is no confidence, from any quarter amongst cricket stakeholders, in the CSA Board. No one on the Board can say that he, or she, was unaware of what has been unfolding over at least the last year. It has all been happening, in many respects even publically, under the Board’s very nose, and in some instances with Board support.”

The SACA added that “the possibility of players taking industrial, or protest, action in order to have concerns addressed by CSA was discussed and the possibility was not ruled out”. However, the SACA “will not embark on industrial action with the players during the upcoming England series”.

The statement from the association added: “We are very aware of the importance of this series to the Proteas and to England, to the many fans from both countries and to the media and commercial partners”.