Alyssa Healy, the Australia wicketkeeper, usually saves her ire for the fiercest bowlers, but with the world in a state of panic due to the Covid-19 pandemic, she has directed her attention at “weirdos” hoarding toilet paper rolls.

The rise in the intensity of the pandemic’s spread has caused panic the world over, with some people taking to buying in bulk essentials with an eye on sustenance during long periods of self-isolation.

One of these ‘essentials’, rather bizarrely, is toilet paper, and it’s something that’s evidently got Healy’s goat. She took to Twitter to air her frustrations, saying she would be going “au naturale” due to a lack of supplies.

It prompted teammate Sophie Molineux to suggest camping, which is, if you think about it, quite an ingenious idea: camp in the woods, lesser risk of catching the coronavirus, and well, better camping than being stuck indoors!

Healy then realised the panic buying extended to tampons as well …

… but Megan Schutt then had a confession.